What is Invisalign in Corio, Geelong?

Invisalign in Corio, Geelong is a revolutionary and modern alternative to traditional orthodontic appliances! Invisalign in Corio, Geelong is not only deemed as proven when striving to amend some of the most severe overbites, misalignment of the teeth, and even irregular spacing within the mouth, however they are also well known for their transparent (and therefore discreet) aesthetic physical appearance.

Is Invisalign right for you?

Invisalign clear aligners could be the perfect solution for patients who are suffering from imperfect smiles (which is therefore causing their self-esteem to be depleted). Invisalign are rising rapidly in regards to their popularity within the field of modern orthodontic dentistry due to their subtle, and transparent clear liner trays (in addition to their fast acting and long-term dental results).

If you are considering receiving Invisalign clear aligners but are unsure whether this particular type of orthodontic appliance is right for your smile then you may wish to get in touch with a member of our team to discuss your possible treatment plan.

How to get in touch with a member of our team

Located on our both modern and therefore easily accessible dental clinic website we not only offer our exact geographical location (which allows any of our new or pre-registered patients to pay our clinic a visit), however we also display our business hours from Monday to Friday, and even on Saturday! In addition, we also choose to display our direct contact telephone number and lastly we offer our patients the chance to get in touch with a ‘send a selfie’ option which allows even our busiest of patients to achieve their dream smile!

What to expect from the Invisalign treatment process

If you believe that Invisalign clear aligners could be right for your smile then you may wish to know a little bit more about what to expect from the orthodontic treatment process. Invisalign clear aligners allow our patients to straighten their imperfect smiles with ‘invisible dental alignment options’.

What makes clear aligners so unique?

At Healthview Dental Clinic we understand that within the modern field of dentistry there are many orthodontic appliances to choose from for our patients. With this variety in mind therefore, we strive to provide our patients with as much information as possible regarding their preferred appliance. In regards to their unique attributes, Invisalign clear aligners are custom-made for each patient to ensure they receive an exact fit (and therefore achieve the best possible dental results for their individual dental case).

Did you know?

Invisalign clear aligners are considered as an excellent alternative to braces! Our highly trained dentists strive to embrace the highest standard of orthodontic dentistry, whilst only using the highest quality dental materials available on the modern market. Our team will take a digital scan of our patients’ teeth in order to design their custom-made aligner trays! Secondly, a digital treatment plan will then be created and tailor-made especially to your teeth, which ensures our patients can see their possible future results before they embark on their dental journey with us.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

Get In Touch - Send Your Selfie

We will review your selfie and get back to you with potential treatment options to meet your needs

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