Is Invisalign in Corio, Geelong right for your smile?

Within the modern world of dentistry there is a wide variety of orthodontic appliances available to patients, with this variety in mind therefore our team strives to stand out with the excellent standard of dentistry we provide, in addition to the high quality materials we choose to work with. These high standards are evident in the way we implement the Invisalign in Corio, Geelong treatment process for our patients!

How does Invisalign in Corio, Geelong produce great looking and long lasting dental results?

Clear aligners are a revolutionary alternative to orthodontic braces within the modern field of dentistry. Invisalign is often mistaken as being the name for clear aligner treatment, however Invisalign is in fact simply a popular brand provider of these appliances who have provided over four million happy smiles on a worldwide scale. In terms of how they produce amazing dental results, Invisalign clear aligners are custom-made for every single one of our patients and their individual dental cases. The clear aligner trays are personalised to ensure our patients achieve the best possible dental results with their treatment.

What can you expect from the Invisalign treatment process?

At our dental clinic situated in Corio Geelong we strive to offer our patients an exceptional standard of care within the walls of a modern, friendly, and comfortable dental clinic. Much like any dental treatment,  Invisalign clear aligner treatment always starts with an initial introductory consultation. During this initial session our dentists will ensure all patients are comfortable with the appliance they’ve chosen, in addition to informing them of what to expect from the Invisalign treatment process.

What are the benefits of receiving Invisalign clear aligners?

Clear aligners are rising rapidly in popularity within the modern field of dentistry, they are not only great for straightening teeth within the mouth, but they are also undetectable, due to their transparency and so serve as an unobtrusive addition to any patient’s smile, whilst improving it! In addition to their subtle aesthetic appearance, they help amending misalignment, irregular spacing of the teeth, and gaps within the mouth. Many patients may feel as if obvious modern dental work could hinder both their social and work prospects (in addition to lowering their self-esteem), which is where Invisalign clear aligners come in!

How to get in touch with a member of our dental team

If you wish to get in touch with a member of our highly-trained dental team then you may be wondering where we display our contact details. Located on our modern and easily accessible dental website we not only provide our geographical location, but we also offer our direct contact details, in addition to an easy contact option which allows our patients to ‘send us a selfie’ of their pretreatment smile.

Could this option work for you?

Our ‘send us a selfie’ option can be perfect for patients who feel nervous about coming in to see us, for those who live far away (and therefore do not wish to travel unnecessarily), those who may be considering their different clinic or treatment options, or patients who simply possess a busy social or work life and therefore are a little short on time!

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

Get In Touch - Send Your Selfie

We will review your selfie and get back to you with potential treatment options to meet your needs

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  • Don't want to travel just yet?
  • Considering your option?
  • Short on time?